Our Mission
It is our mission to protect and stop the exploitation of pet domesticated rabbits surrendered to animal shelters for the purposes of food, breeding, fur, training dogs, or being used as live bait for reptiles.
Our Beliefs
Every rabbit is a sentient individual deserving of love and respect. They, like all beings, have the right to feel secure and loved, and to have as much freedom as possible to express themselves.
Adopting, fostering, volunteering, and caring for a rescued rabbit is a profound life-changing experience that benefits people, the animals, and the community at large.

New Hanover County Rabbit Rescue is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit rabbit rescue organization based in Wilmington, NC. We specialize in the treatment, healing, and, when necessary, hospice of severely wounded, traumatized, abused, and neglected rabbits facing imminent euthanasia. We work with local animal shelters to make sure abandoned, abused and neglected rabbits get the second chance they deserve. Our long term goal is to change the general thought of shelters to start focusing on protecting pet domestic rabbits from this exploitation and recognize the importance of spaying and neutering them to keep them from being used for breeding.
NHC Rabbit Rescue is an approved 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization funded primarily through donations and secondarily through adoption fees and specialty services, such as rabbit grooming and limited merchandise sales.